Use honey first for a cough, new guidelines say 新指南說,首先使用蜂蜜治療咳嗽 Honey and over-the-counter medicines should be the first line of treatment for most people with coughs, new guidelines recommend. 新指南建議,蜂蜜和非處方藥應該是大多數咳嗽患者的第一線治療藥物。 Antibiotics should rarely be prescribed by doctors for coughs because in most cases they do little to improve symptoms, health officials say. 衛生官員說,醫生很少會開出抗生素來治療咳嗽,因為在大多數情況下,他們幾乎沒有改善症狀。 Most of the time a cough will improve on its own within two to three weeks. 大多時候,咳嗽會在兩到三週內自行改善。 The new recommendations for doctors are intended to help tackle the problem of antibiotic resistance. 醫生的新建議用意在幫助處理抗生素耐藥性的問題。 Overusing antibiotics is making infections harder to treat, by creating drug-resistant superbugs. 過度使用抗生素而製造出耐藥性超級細菌,讓感染更難治療。 'Huge problem' 大問題 A hot drink with honey - and often with lemon and ginger as well - is a well-known home remedy for coughs and a sore throat. 蜂蜜熱飲 - 通常加檸檬和生薑一起 - 是熟知的咳...